Enjoy Tokyo cultural sights for foreign tourists with THE TOKYO PASS
The new service to make cultural tourism in Tokyo more comfortable and enriching for foreign tourists in Japan, THE TOKYO PASS-Culture, are now selling on its official website from 5 September.
This sightseeing pass allows you to enter 39 national, public and private museums, art galleries, gardens, zoos, aquariums, botanical gardens and other cultural facilities in Tokyo, as part of an effort to expand the cultural tourism experience in Tokyo for foreign tourists.
2-day Pass: JPY6,800 / 3-day Pass: JPY8,000 / 5-day Pass: JPY10,300
2-day Pass can be purchased together with Tokyo Subway 48-hour ticket (JPY1,200)
3-day Pass can be purchased together with Tokyo Subway 72-hour ticket (JPY1,500)
5-day Pass can be purchased together with Tokyo Subway 48-hour + 72-hour tickets (JPY2,700)
*Rates are fixed regardless of age and other factors.
THE TOKYO PASS is a project comprising 4 entities: Tanseisha Co., Ltd., Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture, Tokyo Convention and Visitors Bureau, and JTB Corporation.
On its official website, the project are looking for potential operators to boost the inbound industry and create new business opportunities by using THE TOKYO PASS.
For more details, visit the official website below.
THE TOKYO PASS -Culture Official HP *English, Chinese (traditional/simplified), Korean
THE TOKYO PASS Joint Operators Wanted Page
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