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Tasty meal for Muslim & allergic people with halal emergency food

Used in various ways for school lunches, home dining and disaster supplies—Alpha Rice. The manufacturer/seller, ALPHA FOODS, is now increasing its disaster supply line-up to include Halal-certified items. Hear straight from the Sales Planning Dept's Imasaka on its path towards the certification, including what makes Alpha Rice unique and how to use it. (more…)

Osaka: Futuristic station fusing technology, to open in spring 2023

Towards a recovery in inbound tourism, Japan Gov. is speeding up plans to allow international tourists into Japan again.According to the Resona Research Institute, inbound spending in two Kansai prefectures in FY2019 amounted to JPY 1,497.1 billion (≈USD 11.79M). A large portion of this is believed to have evaporated after the devastating Covid-19 pandemic. (more…)

Japan No.1 in Global Tourism Competitiveness Ranking, WEF survey

At the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, Japan is rated as "the country with the most favourable conditions for a recovery in travel and tourism". It ranked first in the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index 2021 for the first time, gracing the cover of the prestigious report.The ranking continues followed by the USA, Spain, France and Germany. (more…)