Official logo for the 40th anniversary of the Look East Policy
The year 2022 marks the 40th Anniversary of the Look East Policy (LEP). In commemorating this occasion, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) had organised a Logo Design Competition last year. The competition attracted a total of 171 entries, both from Malaysia and Japan.
A Judging Committee comprising MITI, Ministry of Foreign Affairs chose the logo designed by MR. KOO KON HEN from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, as the official logo for the 40th Anniversary of the LEP.
The logo elegantly captures the robust economic and social connections between Malaysia and Japan depicted by the connecting lines and the colours representing the national colours of both countries.

The logo designed by Mr. Koo Kon Hen has been chosen to be the official logo for the 40th Anniversary of Look East Policy.
Since its inception, the LEP has contributed significantly to the socio-economic development of Malaysia, especially in trade and investment, and human resource development.
Over the span of 40 years, the total trade between Malaysia and Japan had increased by more than 290 percent reaching a total of RM124.14 billion (USD29.60 billion) in 2020, making Japan the 4th largest trading partner for Malaysia. From January to November 2021, the total trade between Malaysia and Japan increased by 20.8 percent to RM135.01 billion (USD32.63 billion) as compared to the corresponding period in 2020.
Furthermore, Japan has been the largest foreign investor for Malaysia in terms of implemented projects. As of June 2021, a total of 2,768 manufacturing projects have been implemented with total investment worth RM91.5 billion (USD21.9 billion).
In terms of human resource development, the strategic collaboration between the Public Service Department (JPA) with Japanese institutions and organisations has benefited a total of 17,062 Malaysians, including 6,715 students who were granted scholarship to further their studies in Japan, particularly in engineering, science and technology. A total of 10,347 government officers participated in dedicated trainings and courses in multiple areas including management and technical skills.
In conjunction with the 40th Anniversary of the LEP, MITI would like to invite individuals, organisations and relevant parties to submit programme proposals to commemorate this memorable occasion throughout 2022.
For more information, please visit:
MITI’s Portal – The 40th Anniversary of the Look East Policy
Related Article:
Malaysia seeks logo design for Look East Policy’s 40th year
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