For food diversity, Kyoto Seika now has Halal bento
Kyoto Seika University now offers Halal and Vegan bento from 1 October as part of its efforts to promote food diversity on campus.
The university announced its pro-diversity stance in March 2016. With international students making up 25% of the student body, providing a safe food environment became a pressing task.
With the cooperation of two off-campus restaurants, the lunchboxes [bento] are ready for sale. Donated by the Education Supporters Association, the lunches are priced at JPY 500 (=USD 4.41), about half the price of the standard lunches.

Sales Period: 1 October 2021 (Fri) – end of January 2022
*Weekdays in the second semester of 2021. Sales will continue from 2022 onwards.
Quantity: 20-30 bento per day
Price: JPY 500 (=USD 4.41)
Cooperating Restaurants: Indian Restaurant Mughal (Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto), Sunny Place (Sakyo Ward, Kyoto)
The university hopes that the sale will improve the food environment for its diverse members, including international students. It also hopes that it will give local students the occasion to learn about different cultures through food.

Halal bento and vegan bento will be on sale / Kyoto Seika University Parents Association (in ENG)
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