Indonesia assigned expats can now get online training
AimSoul offers a specialized online training programme for expatriates posted to Indonesia. The programme covers the strengthening of managing local staff for Sumitomo Electric Group’s local subsidiaries.

◆Training Outline
Sumitomo Electric HQ had been conducting general pre-assignment training. But most of the expatriates struggled in managing the local staff in Indonesia.
AimSoul built a training programme specifically for expatriates posted to Indonesia. By educating them on Indonesian orientations, the training program helped foster expatriate mindsets and encouraged behavioural change.
Main Programme Content:
- Why Japanese-style mentoring doesn’t work
- Thinking differences between Japan and Indonesia
- Indonesian mentoring methods
- About leadership
◆AimSoul Co.
They provide support consulting for training/education and recruitment to over 350 companies.
They expanded into Indonesia in 2014 and have been providing support to various Japanese companies.
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