
Kanagawa presents Halal-friendly disaster prevention

Kanagawa Prefecture has updated its page introducing the disaster prevention information and experience floor of the Disaster Prevention Center. The food supplies in the center are halal-friendly. On the first floor, there is a corner to experience earthquakes, windstorms, floods, etc. On the second floor, you can experience firefighting and various other activities to raise awareness of disaster prevention.In the display of disaster prevention supplies, a stockpile of food, water, and disaster prevention supplies are introduced. The food and water have a shelf life of 7 years; they are allergy-...

Halal-friendly TOFUMEAT 2nd Prize at Taberu Japan Bimi Awards

The 1st Taberu Japan Bimi Awards was held. TOFUMEAT (a halal-friendly ingredient) selected as the runner-up among 142 nominated products. What kind of ingredient is TOFUMEAT? According to the official website of the manufacturer and distributor, TOFU MEAT Corp., "TOFU MEAT is a halal-friendly ingredient, attracting interest as next-generation alternative meat". It also states that TOFU MEAT is "manufactured to a standard that will set the world benchmark beyond the scope of health food products. It's also an ingredient that meets the needs of athletes or those dieting, requiring a...

Eid’s Donation of Halal Food to Japan Da’wah Centre

Hello!I’m Iman, Groovy Japan’s Malaysian staff.  This year, we will also be providing halal food to the Japan Da’wah Centre in Osaka, a Muslim exchange centre. We'll provide (1) Halal Japanese food developed as emergency food for disasters, (2) fried chicken.Both are products of Hinomoto Shokusan.*Initially, we were going to serve "in-flight meal", but it was changed to "chicken fried chicken". An example of Halal Japanese food Image of fried chicken Thank you Hinomoto Shokusan!Please click the link below to read more about its coverage. Offer Halal Japanese Food: Hinomoto...

Eid’s donation to Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

Hello.I'm Okuma, the editor-in-chief of Salam Groovy Japan. In my last blog, I announced that we would be donating Hinomoto Shokusan's halal Japanese food for Muslims celebrating Eid after Ramadan (fasting month). We're going to give out the food to the Muslim students at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.Thank you to the International Student Affairs Office for accepting our offer. Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Website As the name says, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies is a university where you can learn many different languages. Its mission is not only...

Donating Halal Japanese food for Eid celebration!

Hello.I'm Okuma, the editor-in-chief of Groovy Japan. For Muslims, there is a month of Ramadan (fasting month) every year.This year, Ramadan falls from April 13 to May 12, and during this period, with a few exceptions, eating and drinking during the day is prohibited.While eating and drinking during the day is prohibited, eating after sunset is allowed, and this meal after sunset is called "Iftar". Last year, we donated 100 portions of Halal certified Hida beef to the Japan Da'awah Center , a Muslim exchange center in Osaka during Ramadan....

Muslim Workshop In Noshiro, Akita With Halal Food Tasting

As part of the Host Town Project, Noshiro in Akita held the "Let's Learn More About Jordan!~Muslim Workshop #2 with Focus on Food~".It was an online workshop to learn about Muslim food culture and more. Participants also had a chance to try a halal food set of maqluba and lentil soup. It's a great initiative to increase understanding of Muslim culture, including Halal food. 2月18日、能代市ホストタウン事業の一環として「ヨルダンをもっと知ろう!~食を中心としたムスリム講習会第2弾~」が能代松陽高校で行われました。 同校家庭クラブの部員や市民など約20人が参加。ハラール食に対応する株式会社八芳園(東京都)の料...能代市役所さんの投稿 2021年2月18日木曜日 Noshiro, Akita is located in the northeastern region of Japan, facing the Sea of Japan. It is a city surrounded by lush greenery and...

International Halal Conference 2019 Osaka: Gaining Amazing Feedbacks

The International Halal Conference is an international conference held every two years by one of the largest private Islamic universities in Malaysia and a forum to present Islamic academic research papers.For the first time, the conference, which has been held in Malaysia and Turkey, will be held in Japan. Thus, we provide administrative support as requested by the university. (more…)

Matching Malaysian Company with Japanese Safety Shoe Manufacturer

We were requested to find Japanese safety shoes for a Malaysian car manufacturer, then matched them with Japanese safety shoe manufacturers.Due to changes in safety standards and increased safety awareness in Malaysia, our client wanted to import higher quality Japanese products. ■Subject・Although the safety shoes currently used by the client meet safety standards, they are heavy and fragile, making them less efficient.・Unclear whether Japanese-made safety shoes are of quality that meets the client's safety standards. They would like to find a company that meets the standards and is willing to...

Tackling Malaysia’s health food towards sale

We assisted a Malaysian government body to investigate the products' ingredients as requested by a Japanese health food firm.In Malaysia, 60% of the country's consumers are Muslims. Muslims are only allowed to consume "halal" foods, which is permissible adhering to Islamic law. To sell to Muslims, sellers need to make sure the product is Halal.Determining and certifying Halal products in Malaysia is the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM), a Malaysian government body. Hence, we had the products analyzed by a laboratory designated by JAKIM.We also introduced them to an...

Be Comfortable! AkillFeel Halal Hotel Amenity Now On Sale

A halal-certified hotel amenity that is Muslim-friendly, AKILLFEEL is now available to travellers from all around the world. AkillFeel products are free from pig derivatives and alcohol to ensure they are safe for Muslims, who have to be careful with what they eat and what they use. Today, the number of incoming overseas travellers is unlikely to recover for some time following the Covid-19 outbreak. However, depending on the state of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, containment of the virus and vaccination, Muslims abroad could enjoy Japanese hotels more comfortably...